Hobbies … …

A bit of free time in the afternoon had me wondering about my hobbies. The best I had – I turned into my profession, so that leaves me with what? Reading – not too much of creativity involved. Stamps – I have not touched in past 10 years and anyways who writes letters now.

Sketching – The problem with sketching is once I get started with a drawing I just cannot put it down till it is complete.

Then there is photography, hmmm… guess it is time I did some still life photography, B/W pics of some of Swati’s crystal collection will be great! Maybe this Sunday I can cajole Swati into posing for me, have some ideas in lighting which I would like to try out.

One of these days I must make Vivek (another of Swati’s school time friend and the guy who took my pic for the ProPHP4 cover) intro me to some models, maybe we can hijack his studio as well. Yes – Swati is also into photography – runs in her blood – her father was a professional photographer.

I also have a desperate itch to pick up a new skill, one thing I always wanted was to be able to play an musical instrument, but I still dont have the time for it.