The weekend!

TANJ!! 4:30 am and the overhead tank manages to overflow splattering water right outside the bedroom window. Didn’t look like a good beginning to a Sunday I intended to enjoy peacefully.

BUT then thanks to PWD the water pressure must have eased and I was able to sleep till 9:00 am – which is almost as late as I can sleep into the day.

Lunch was a rather enjoyable (and unhealthy) mix of Chicken Quicke, Chicken Curry Buns and Kava Fruit pastries … Should not count calories on a Sunday afternoon.

Updated the PHPlib Manual with the latest changes from core team member Layne.

Have found a good task manager, Shadow Plan2.1 for my Palm, the best thing is that it stores the data as XML – this makes it very amiable to be used with PHP for publishing to the web, lets see when I get time to write the code ….

Swati says time to give me a bath – guess time to get a dog ;o)